Learn Some Tricks!
This page teaches you how to perform different tricks. These tricks are seen as the stepping stones for all other street skating tricks, as the techniques learned from mastering these moves are used in every other trick. We'll start with the most important, and build on from there. Each trick will have a video, allowing you to not only read our instructions, but visualize the technique mentioned in real time.
Taking It To The Next Level
Once learning all of the tricks on this page, you will be a fairly accomplished street skater. This is because, going forward, you will basically be learning tricks that combine the techniques of these tricks in some way. An example would be the "360 flip" (trey flip). This combines the technique of the kickflip, and 360 shove. We find the best way to learn is to watch some videos on the internet, and literally keep trying the trick until you get it (don't let how easy this sounds fool you, it could take weeks!).